Zhu Jianjun asked for a good opportunity to find a good situation when investigating the industrial economy of Zhouwangmiao

Editor:海宁市德利家具有限公司 │ Release Time:2019-04-17 

On the afternoon of May 15, Zhu Jianjun, secretary of the Haining Municipal Party Committee, went to Zhouwangmiao Town to investigate the industrial economy, and helped coordinate and solve problems on the spot to boost economic development. Zhu Jianjun pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the "industrial strong town" without faltering, grasp the development opportunities, comprehensive consideration, comprehensive research, comprehensive layout, carefully plan the promotion steps and node arrangements, and make a good new spring for the development of Zhouwangmiao Town. Bureau, take a good step."

In the investigation, Zhu Jianjun came to Zhejiang Taiyi Project, Zhejiang Yongren Precision Machinery Auto Parts Project, Haining Deli Furniture Co., Ltd., went deep into the project site, and walked into the enterprise workshop to learn more about the new project's overview, progress, enterprise production and sales, Design, research and development, market expansion, etc., seriously inquire about the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of project promotion, production and operation, and communicate and coordinate with relevant departments and territories on the spot to help solve problems. Later, at the symposium, Zhu Jianjun listened to the report on the industrial economic work of Zhouwangmiao Town, and comprehensively understood the economic operation, investment promotion, project promotion and enterprise services of the town from January to April.

From January to April this year, the total industrial economy of Zhouwangmiao Town achieved steady and positive. The total output value of the enterprises on the town was 1.812 billion yuan, up 25.8% year-on-year; the investment in secondary production was 387 million yuan, up 15% year-on-year. At the same time, this year, Zhouwangmiao Town has signed 7 industrial projects with a total investment of 902 million yuan.

Zhu Jianjun fully affirmed the achievements in the industrial economic development of Zhouwangmiao Town since this year. He pointed out that since this year, Zhouwangmiao Town has not been able to rely on it. All the work is solid and the measures are strong. The enterprise service is in place and the policies are in place to ensure the project. The construction progressed smoothly and formed a strong economic development atmosphere. At present, Zhouwangmiao Town is facing important development opportunities. The whole town should make full use of its geographical location and transportation advantages, seize opportunities and take advantage of the situation, and accelerate the development of various tasks.

Zhu Jianjun demanded that we must adhere to planning and work to promote "two hands". To grasp the planning of the "two plans" for towns and parks, we must fully consider the Hangzhou-Haihai inter-city railway, combine the main roads in the township, open up key nodes, further improve the road framework, and realize the interconnection of roads to bring greater economic benefits. It is necessary to strengthen the docking with the Hangzhou-Haihai inter-city railway command, plan the industrial layout, consider the construction of the new city, plan the commercial layout of the town, and realize the organic connection with the industrial park; accelerate the work of relocation and further expand the development platform. In the first place, we must grasp the immediate advancement of the “two rectifications” of the towns and the parks. We must combine the rectification of the towns with the rectification of the old industrial parks and the development of the towns, use the economic levers, fully plan and start early, and effectively revitalize more development space; We will promote the rectification of enterprises in the park, and further do a good job of "sending cages and changing birds", focusing on the rectification of rental enterprises and low-small enterprises, and further revitalizing the development space to further enhance the benefits.